
Monday, October 10, 2011

Lost my Blog- Now It's Back

                                                      Got My Blog Back

Today i got my blog back. It has been gone for over a week.
I have to say i am happy that it is back.
I know i don't have the greatest blog but it all started out for me to be able to enter other blogs so that i could put buttons on the side of my blog and blog about the giveaways for extra entries.
But than i thought it would be nice to put some contests up and than put up some of my life.

I am sorry to who ever felt that my blog was spam as that is why it got removed because they thought i was spam.
I am trying not to come across that way at all.
I enjoy entering contests and i like to sahre about them once in a while because i leke to see and hear about other people winning.

Yes i like to win also.

I would like to learn better about writing and what to write about i even wish i had the chance to review more products from companies.
But i am still learning and not even close to what other blogs have.
I guess id on't mind that i don't have what other bloggers have seeing review after review.
I give you all so much credit for what you do.

Now i am wondering if i keep up putting contests on here if i will be considered spam again but i guess i will have to see because i will probably put them back up on here.

For the few people who may read this if you know maybe where i went wrong or where i could try different things on here please let me know.



  1. Welcome back! :-)

    I have NO idea why your blog would have been considered SPAM.. very strange indeed! I personally love checking in and finding new contests out there. Glad to have you back!
