
Saturday, September 3, 2011

School soon

Wow summer where did it go. We enjoyed the summer as it was quite a hot one. But now it is time to get back to school.
It seems it is a big deal this year for my boys.
As my youngest will be going into grade 1 which is full days. Which i and my Husband are worried about because we want him to do well and focus and just behave for a full day.

Also my oldest is going to be going into grade 9. High School. Wow!

I can not believe it. So this is a new start for my oldest son as he had graduated from grade 8 in June

They grow up so fast.

I will miss the summer fun of taking my youngest to the park for hours to play or going for walks.
Yes i know i can still have time to do some of those things but not as long of a day.
My oldest son would go swimming over at a friends house.
I know with my oldest son he will not see the same friends as some are going to different high schools.
But he will meet new people also.

I hope that both of my boys will do well with school and friends.

Are you looking forward to school?
What are your thoughts?  



  1. I'm with you.
    My youngest (14) is now in Grade 9. SO with another in Grade 11 (16), I am starting to feel my age sink in. Still feels good though when you look back and see what you have accomplished with them.

