
Monday, August 29, 2011

CLOSED Facebook- What Would You Trade for a Snack Pack Contest

Facebook/Snack Pack Canada

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Click on the Contest Home Tab

Open to legal Canadian residents of 13 years of age and older

Daily entry

Ends at 11:59:59 PM ET on October 16, 2011

Rrespond to the question: “What would you trade for a Snack Pack?” (maximum 250 characters).

GRAND PRIZE AND SELECTION OF GRAND PRIZE WINNER: There will be one (1) Grand Prize awarded. Each Grand Prize consists of one year's supply of Snack Pack Pudding, which for the purpose of this Contest equals four (4) individual pudding cups per day, or 1,460 cups of Snack Pack pudding. The Grand Prize has an approximate retail value of $730.00.

One (1) Grand Prize potential winner will be selected by a panel of judges from among all eligible entries received in accordance with these Contest Rules by the contest closing date. The judges will make their selection based on an equal weighting of the following criteria applied to the Entrant Essays: (i) originality; (ii) compellingness of content and (iii) humour. The judges will finalize their ranking of eligible entries at approximately 12:00:00 noon ET on October 23, 2011. Efforts to contact potential winner by email will be made within three (3) days of the judges finalizing their ranking of entries. To be declared a Grand Prize winner, a potential winner must first complete and return an affidavit of eligibility and liability/publicity release (“Affidavit/Release”) consistent with theses Contest Rules. Potential winner must respond to notification of having provisionally won the prize within three (3) days after being contacted or an alternate potential winner will be selected. In the event the Sponsor or Administrator is unable to notify a potential winner within three (3) days of first attempting to do so, a potential winner fails to sign and return the Affidavit/Release within the required time period, or a potential winner is unavailable to accept the prize within the time period specified by Sponsor/Administrator, that potential winner will be disqualified and the entrant with the next highest ranked entry will become a potential winner, with the process described above repeated until Grand Prize winner is determined.

The name of the Grand Prize winner will appear as a matter of record by approximately noon on October 30, 2011 on

WEELY PRIZES AND WEEKLY PRIZE DRAWS: There are a total of sixteen (16) weekly prizes available to be won, with two (2) prizes per week for eight (8) weeks. Each of the weekly prizes consists of one (1) Flip UltraHD 3rd Generation Camcorder 8GB 2hr (a “Weekly Prize”). Limit one (1) Weekly Prize per person and/or household during the Contest. The approximate retail value of each Weekly Prize is $130.

A random draw will be held for two Weekly Prizes from among all eligible Entries received during each week ending on a Sunday during the Contest Period (each, a “Weekly Prizes Draw”). Weekly Prizes Draws for a given week will take place each Monday following the week for which a Weekly Prize is being awarded, at approximately 12:00 pm ET in Toronto, Ontario. The odds of being selected as eligible to win a given Weekly Prize will depend on the total number of eligible Entries received during the corresponding week of the Contest Period. Weekly Prize potential winners for a given Weekly Prizes Draw will be notified via email by approximately noon of the day following the corresponding Weekly Prizes Draw. To become a Weekly Prize winner, a potential winner must then contact Sponsor or Administrator as set out in the notification email, correctly answer a time-limited mathematical skill-testing question administrated at a time and in a manner to be determined by the Sponsor or Administrator, verify Contest eligibility to the satisfaction of the Sponsor or Administrator and, at the discretion of the Sponsor, execute an Affidavit/Release of the nature described above, all within three (3) days of such announcement/notification, Where this is not done, that Weekly Prize potential winner may be disqualified from receiving a Weekly Prize and an alternate potential winner drawn randomly from the corresponding Weekly Prizes Draw will become the potential winner of that Weekly Prize.

Entries received on any given week are eligible only for the Weekly Prizes Draw corresponding to that week and are not carried forward for consideration in future Weekly Prizes Draws.

No responsibility is assumed by the Sponsor or any other person for any inability for a potential entrant to successfully enter any draw for any reason. In the event that there are no entries received on any day during the Contest Period, no Weekly Prizes Draw will be conducted and no Weekly Prize will be awarded for that week.

The names of Weekly Prize winners will appear as a matter of record by approximately noon on October 30, 2011 on

Please read rules for further information

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