
Thursday, June 30, 2011

CLOSED Facebook-The Schneider’s® Country Naturals™ “Picnic Anywhere Project” Promotion

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Facebook/Picnic Anywhere

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Click on the $100k Giveaway - Picnic Anywhere Tab

Ends at 11:59:59 PM EDT September 28, 2011


A person must be a resident of Canada who (i) has reached the age of majority as of June 27, 2011 in his/her Province or territory of residence, (ii) has a valid Facebook® Profile and a valid email address, (iii) is a representative (a “representative”) of a not-for-profit corporation, organization or charity which is authorized, as of June 27, 2011, by the Canada Revenue Agency for the purposes issuing tax receipts to donors OR is a representative of a Provincial or Territorial municipality, and (iv) is duly authorized by the body he/she is representing to submit an Entry into the Competition.


Subject to the ineligibility provisions of subparagraphs 4 i) to iii) of these Official Rules set out above, to be eligible to vote in the voting phases of this Competition, a person must (i) be at least eighteen (18) years of age as of June 27, 2011, and (ii) have a valid Facebook® Profile.
In these Official Rules, a person who is eligible to vote for a Project Proposal in the Competition is referred to as an “eligible voter”.

There is one Grand Prize (the “Grand Prize”) available to be won in the Competition. The Grand Prize comprises cheques in the total amount of $100,000CDN and is payable to the Recipient Body in accordance with, and upon and subject to, the terms and conditions set out in Rule 3 below. There are four finalist Prizes (each, a “finalist Prize”) available to be won in the Competition. Each finalist Prize comprises a cheque in the amount of $10,000CDN. Each finalist Prize is payable, upon and subject to the terms and conditions set out in Rule 3 below, to the CRA-recognized charity designated by the eligible person whose Final Submission was not the potential winner of the Grand Prize.


The Grand Prize of $100,000CDN in the form of three cheques made payable to the Recipient Body will be paid in the following manner: a cheque in the amount of $50,000CDN will be delivered by the Sponsor to the Recipient Body at the time the Sponsor announces the results of the judging by the judging panel described in Rule 11 below. A further cheque in the amount of $25,000CDN will be delivered by the Sponsor to the Recipient Body at the time the Recipient Body actually begins the construction or other physical work which is involved in the applicable Project Proposal, and a final cheque in the amount of $25,000CDN will be delivered by the Sponsor to the Recipient body at the time the Sponsor, in its sole opinion, concludes that the Recipient Body has finally completed the applicable Project Proposal in accordance with its terms. If the Sponsor concludes that, in the Sponsor’s sole opinion, the Recipient Body has NOT finally completed the applicable Project Proposal in accordance with its terms, including without limitation, the completion date stipulated in the Project Proposal, the Sponsor may deliver or may withhold the final cheque, in the sole discretion of the Sponsor, and no person, firm or corporation shall have any claim against the Sponsor with respect to that decision or with respect to the consequences for the Recipient Body or any other person of that decision.

Each Finalist Prize consisting of the Sponsor’s cheque in the amount of $10,000CDN will be delivered by the Sponsor to the CRA-recognized charity designated by the eligible person (see Rule 8 below) whose Final Submission was not the potential winner of the Grand Prize, provided that the Sponsor has the absolute discretion to pay a Finalist Prize to another CRA-recognized charity of the Sponsor’s choice if, in the Sponsor’s sole opinion, the payment of a Finalist Prize to the CRA-recognized charity designated by an eligible person would or could bring the Sponsor into public disrepute, contempt, scandal or ridicule, or would or could reflect unfavourably on the Competition or the Sponsor as determined by the Sponsor in its sole discretion.

Notes: If for any reason a Prize cannot be awarded in the Competition or is forfeited, the Sponsor will award the value of that Prize to (or among) one or more CRA-registered charities chosen in its sole discretion by the Sponsor. In addition, no tax receipt will be given by the Sponsor to the winner of any Prize.

Please read rules for further information

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