
Saturday, May 7, 2011

CLOSED Get to Know Contest in Canada

Get To Know

Open to Canadian residents 19 and under (only the Video Category is open to all countries)

Ends May 23, 2011

◦The theme for this year's contest is "This is My Forest," in celebration of the International Year of Forests
◦Enter as many categories as you want!
◦A list of prizes and honours are available for each category are available here:

[ Art
Video ]

◦Visit a National Park or Historic Site and you could win a Parks Canada Centennial Prize Pack! -
Art Entry Regulations

◦Art entries should be of a "wild neighbour", which may be a plant or animal that lives in or near your area.We also invite you to visit a nearby park to create your entry. Pets or farm animals like dogs, cats, and horses are not eligible entries.

◦Learn the common and the scientific name any portrayed species (plant or animal).

◦Art entries should be full colour and no bigger than 17" x 12".

◦Mailed in entries will be returned only if: they do not win and a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) that fits the artwork is included with the submission. Entries are separated during the judging process. Teachers who wish to ensure all class entries are returned are reminded to submit a SASE with each entry.

Digital Photography Entry Regulations

◦You can submit a maximum of twelve photos.
◦You must take the photo(s) yourself.
◦Learn the common and the scientific name any portrayed species (plant or animal).
◦Be sure to use the highest quality setting on the camera – photos must be at least 3 megapixels, and ideally 6 or higher.
◦Only JPEG images are accepted (no RAW/DNG images).
◦◦Photography entries must be submitted online.

Writing Entry Regulations

◦Entries must be 40 words or less. (Yes, forty!)
◦Entries should be about our "wild neighbours" of the forest.
"By going outside and developing a basic knowledge of biodiversity, we can all respond creatively to the need for change in the way we live, work, learn, and grow..."

Judging and Administration

For each category, 3 winning entries are chosen from each age group:

◦Kindergarten to Grade 4

◦Grades 5 to 7

◦Grades 8 to 10

◦Grades 11 to 12

Art Entry Prizes

You could win:
◦$100 cash for the art piece that is selected for the cover of the 2012 Get to Know Calendar.

Digital Photography Entry Prizes

You could win:
◦$100 Cash Prize for photography category winner.

Writing Entry Prizes

You could win:
◦$100 Cash Prize for writing category winner.


◦Your entry published in the 2012 Robert Bateman Get to Know Contest Calendar and the fall edition of the Canadian Wildlife Federation WILD Magazine.

◦Wildlife Habitat Canada will select one winning piece to be featured on their 2012 Youth Wildlife Habitat Conservation Stamp.
◦The exclusive opportunity to join American contest winners in August 2011 at the week-long "Get to Know Parks Canada Art and Nature Camp" at Fort Rodd Hill National Historic Site and Gulf Islands National Park Reserve in Victoria, BC. (provided by Parks Canada; for ages 12 and up only).
◦An art prize package from Opus Framing & Art Supplies
◦Personal written congratulations from Robert Bateman.
◦VIP invitations to special events held across Canada.
◦Your entry published on and
◦The opportunity to speak with the media about your Get to Know experience.

Please read rules for further information

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