
Monday, April 11, 2011

Multibionta Probiotic Multivitamin

I take vitamins usually a Multivitamin.
So when i saw that i had an invite for a new campain from
I was interested in finding out more.
Though this vitamin has some extras compared to other vitamins. 
It has Probiotics in them which helps boost the immune system and protect the digestive system.

Which i think i can use as i have a sensitive stomach.

Here are some of the benfits.
I also like the fact that it can reduce duration of colds.
Not fun being sick so anything to help feeling better sooner is a good thing. 

You take one daily with a cold drink and food.

I have been taking these vitamins not everyday but a few times a week.
I am not sure if it is doing anything for my stoamch or making me feel more energized.
But i feel that i like to take vitamins because i feel that i am doing something else good for my body or something that it might not be getting from food.
As sometimes we don't get all the goodness from food so taking a vitamin can help with what we are not getting daily.

Here was a question on the site

Q. Can I still eat probiotic yogurt if I take Multibionta?

A. Yes, you can still enjoy yogurt while you take Multibionta. There are many different strains of probiotics, so you can get a combination from both yogurt and supplements

This a question that i would want to know about as more foods are adding this into it. As also i eat yogurts that have it.

                                                             Check out more information at         

I had the opportunity to receive a free product and coupons from
This is my opinion which may differ from yours.

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