
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Home-Ec 101 Skills for Everyday Living

Home-Ec 101 by Heather Solos

I guess you do need some skills to live and survive in life. :)
This book can help you out with that.

I was able to read a chapter  called 
Meal Planning is Not Just For Control Freaks

It had great ideas about how to do up meals from left overs to  making more of a meal to being able to change it up from Monday to Tuesday and so on.
From someone new learning about cooking to even the ones who feel comfortable in the kitchen can get ideas of what things to do in the kitchen and having some new meals.
With so many busy families and trying to have a time for a meal you can get more ideas for a quick meal to changing up left overs.
You make
Sometimes it feels like the same meals over again so try changing them up.

This book looks to be a good read.

It is not just about meals it is also about Handyman, cleaning, laundry and so much more.
Like it says Skills for everyday living and we can all use those.

Go check out the site here

Wanting to even purchase this book


Disclaimer: Thanks to One 2 One Network. This is my opinion which may differ from yours.

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