
Monday, November 22, 2010


                                                                          A puppy and a family he adopted

                                                                                Some tears and smiles all in this book.
In 2002, Larry Levin and his twin sons, Dan and Noah, took their ill cat to the Ardmore Animal Hospital outside Philadelphia to have the beloved pet put to sleep. What began as a terrible day suddenly became a brighter day.
They saw a dog that was missing an ear and had half his face covered in scar tissue they thought had been in a fire.
Not realizing that this dog was used as bait for fighting dogs when he was just a few months old. He had been thrown in a cage and left to die until the police rescued him and the staff at Ardmore Animal Hospital saved his life.

The Levins sons are also adopted and were unable to resist Oogy and decided to take him home.
A new beginning for Oogy and the Levin family.

So many thanks to Dr. James Bianco and Diane Klein on going above and beyond to helping Oogy survive because if it was not for them who knows what could have been.
 The beginning of Oogy's life is somewhat unclear and Larry tries to find out about the life of Oogy of what had happened and learns as much as he can about the dog that became a part of their life.

A life change for Oogy and and the Levins that make you realize that something good can happen out of bad.

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