
Thursday, June 24, 2010

IQ Cleaning Products Review

                                   I had the chance to try out IQ Cleaning products.
                                                          Check out site iqclean

The products that i received were
All Purpose Cleaner-Green Tea
Bathroom Cleaner-Nectarine Plum
Multi-Surface Floor Cleaner-Papaya Mango

A different way of cleaning for sure.
What i mean by that is what i received were three empty bottles and the cartridges for each bottle.
You fill the bottle with tap water up to the line on the bottle and than put the cartridge in.
Turn the nozzle on and than the cartridge releases the cleaner into the water and give it a good shake.
Your now already to get started on clening.
I found all the products nice and soft scented.
No overpowering smell.
Which was nice.
Cleaned very nice still with the freshness in the air and a nice clean home.
I cleaned the bathroom first with the Bathroom Cleaner and i usually spray and than let it sit for a few minutes.
Than i start wiping down with a damp cloth and it cleaned very nicely.
The refill idea is great also as it is less waste, better for the enviroment.
They are Non-Toxic and environmentally sustainable ingredients.
I say use a wet or damp cloth so no sticky residue is left on things.

Thanks to
for letting me try out the products.


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