
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dorel Toy Story bike review

ParentsCanada Disney Parent Testing Panel

I and my son were very lucky to have been able to take part in a testing panel of this Toy Story bike.
Not to bad to assemble as i have never put a bike together before
I know my son has no helmet on as we did not have one but i did stay close to him. My son thought the bike was cool.
As he enjoys watching Toy Story and has some of the toys this sure put a smile on his face.
He had a little trouble getting started as he never really rode a bike before so this was some time for him and we kept on saying you can do it.
The only thing i wish is that the bike was a little higher as we received the 12" and i think our son could have more leg movement if it was a little taller for him.
But i know that he enjoyed his rides on his new Toy Story Bike.
Thank you for letting us be a part of testing the bike.
To many more fun rides.


  1. Looks like he had fun!! We're trying to teach my son to ride a bike. He can't quite figure out how to pedal yet!!!

  2. Yes he did have fun. Your son will learn. We forget what it is like to learn to ride a bike but once you get going you just want to keep on going.
